Società Canottieri Firenze, following the guidelines and philosophy for the training of young people of CONI and FIC, puts in place every year, at the end of the school year, initiatives aimed at children aged between 8 and 15 years to bring them closer to a sport capable of forming their body and personality.
Weekly courses of 5 lessons, from Monday to Friday, at a cost of €30 for the whole week, in the following time slots: 09.00 -10.30 10.30 -12.00 4.30pm -6pm 6pm -7.30pm The course timetable remains the same throughout the week WEEKLY AMOUNT €30 discounts for families with multiple children
Today, everyone recognizes the importance of developing and developing motor creativity, something that children are gradually losing due to the raging of new technologies.
Società Canottieri Firenze has set up a training course, highlighting the importance of motivation, a key element of the path, increasing it through training stimuli such as encouraging joy in motor learning, encouraging collaboration and supporting progress.
Courses for children
For the very young the concept of "motor fantasy" is very important, an element of fundamental importance since the development of the same, closely linked to multi-sport experiences, allows the child to play and express himself better.
The purpose, in addition to the psychophysical benefits that sporting practice can bring, is to create relational conditions that facilitate aggregation, communication, collaboration, respect for rules and others. Strong and healthy boys today to be better men tomorrow.
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the office for further details on courses for youngs