As disastrous as a war, the Florence flood was an event which is now tragically known in every detail. At dawn, on 4th November 1966, most of the city woke up submerged in four to six meters of water. The Arno and its tributaries, had been rising for over a week due to uninterrupted rain, crossed the banks during the night, invaded villages and the countryside upstream Florence and throughout the Upper Valdarno.
A flood was about to hit the city, reaching a speed of sixty kilometers an hour.
Located as it is below street level, the head office of "Canottieri Firenze" was completely submerged for over 24 hours and remained filled with water in the following days. When it was possible to return, our worst fears were confirmed: only the perimeter walls had remained intact.
The recovery was immediate.
Each of the 350 members at the time, worked relentlessly: many holding paddles and pickaxes to remove tons of mud that the river had deposited everywhere, as heavy as their pain. From these simple gestures, the rebirth of "Canottieri Firenze" began, and with the few boats of the social fleet which had not been shattered by the fury of the deluge, -God knows how they escaped - two months after that tragic day it was possible to repeat the traditional "New Year paddle ": up and down in front of the main site of the rowing club, like every First of January, uninterruptedly since 1911.